Plants and Planters

How to care for croton plants?

by Tejesh P on Jan 02, 2022

How to care for croton plants?

     Croton is a low-maintenance house plant recognised for its variegated leaves with green, crimson, orange, and yellow splotches. 

Here’s how to look after a croton in your yard at home. Keep reading to know all the tips and tricks to care for your croton plant!


Croton care guide

A healthy croton retains its leaves down to the soil level - the challenge is to give consistent warmth.

The vibrancy of leaf colours is determined by the quality of light- they require a lot of bright, moving sunshine. 

Here are the factors you should consider while planting a croton plant:


Croton plants require around one inch of water each week. Watering should be done every two weeks in the winter. Look for signals that the plant requires more water, such as withering young leaves. 

If wilting occurs frequently during hot weather, increase watering, but first check the top couple of inches of soil for moisture with your finger. 


Croton plants need bright, indirect light to thrive. Some can’t stand direct, unfiltered sunlight, and prefer ambient lighting.

If it receives sufficient lighting, it will produce vibrant colours. The leaves will become green if the plant does not receive enough light.



Maintain a temperature of at least 60 degrees fahrenheit in the room. Avoid exposing the plant to chilly draughts. The colour of the leaves also gets affected by humidity and a lack of intense light. Maintain a humidity of 40 to 80 percent, if the humidity isn’t high enough, the plant may shed its leaves. 


It’s best to start with a well-drained, wet soil that has been treated with compost. This plant loves acidic, humus-rich soil. 


Slow-release pallets should be applied three times every growing season - early spring, mid-summer, early fall. 

Second option is that you can apply liquid fertilizer every month during the growing season, which lasts from early March until the end of september. Don’t forget to read the instructions on the box because fertilizer dosage varies greatly depending on the variety.


Fun fact: Croton seeds are used to manufacture medication for emptying and cleaning the stomach and intestines, as well as treating clogged intestines, colic, gallbladder issues, and malaria.


What planters are suitable for the Croton plant?


                                                                Balmy waves 

Crotons require a lot of water, yet they do not thrive in damp or moist soil. Look for a container that includes drainage holes on the bottom to guarantee optimum drainage. When selecting a container size, opt for one that is roughly 13 times larger than the plant’s root ball. 

For example: the above planter would be best suitable for a Banana croton plant.

                                                      Charcoal Reality 

For plants like Magnificent croton and Oakleaf croton, this planter is the best choice. To choose the best planters for your croton plants, visit HarlaArts and explore a wide range of planters for your plants.

The Bottom Line

So that’s all there is when it comes to Croton plant maintenance. Remember that different varieties of Croton plants need varied plant care. Check what your croton plant needs and for that you need to do your research properly.










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